Holly Sutherland Holly Sutherland

Farming, dance clubs, and the well-being of female farmers in the Red River Delta, Vietnam

Women have always been at the forefront of agriculture in Vietnam. They play a critical role in food production and ensure the livelihoods of their families and communities, especially in agrarian regions like the Red River Delta (RRD). Despite these contributions, women also shoulder a disproportionate quantity of unpaid caregiving and household duties. Due to males’ departure from rural areas for employment elsewhere, this workload increased in the decades leading up to the mid 2010s placing an even heavier burden on rural women and girls. However, since 2013, land consolidation and agricultural mechanization have liberated women from heavy farming work, giving them more time to take care of themselves and engage in social activities, such as organizing dancing clubs and being more active in organizing villages’ events and festivals.

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